Stealth Ping Version 3.0 for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 ======================================== Thank you choosing Stealth Ping, the premier ISP connectivity solution for Windows 95/98/NT. Stealth Ping enables you to stay connected to your ISP by sending packets of information to simulate actual Internet user activity. Stealth Ping is easy to install and use, simply run the self-extracting set-up file and you're ready to go. (Version 3.0 now allows you to run up to 25 multiple threads. This is the same as running 25 copies of Version 1.22 Each Click Of Start Thread, Will Start A New Thread. Click On Stop Thread, To Terminate A Running Thread) In addtion, an Advanced Button was added to Version 3.0 This Button, starts a Dialog Box that lets the user change the number of threads that are active when StealthPing is started. This Dialog Box, will also allow the user to set a ping for a Specific IP Address. This can be done on a stand alone basis, or in addition to Standard Pinging. To order the product online, please visit OUR HOME PAGE ============= If you have questions about the product or require technical assistance, please visit our home page on the web. Our address is: email: Our web page includes company and technical support information, product announcements, software downloads and more. Again, to order the product online, please visit Minimium Requirements ===================== Window 95/98/NT 4.0 A Modem Connection To The Internet (Dialup Networking SLIP/PPP) (This Is The Internet Connection Software That Comes With Window 95/98/NT 4.0) Using StealthPing ================= We recommend that you use Windows95/98/NT Dialup Networking to connect to the Internet. If you use this method to connect to the Internet, it is recommended that you disable the Dialup Networking 20 minute disconnect. To do this, bring up "Start/Settings/Control Panel". Click the "Internet" Icon and select "Connections." At that point highlight the "Dialup Settings" for the ISP you are connecting too. Then select "Settings." In the corresponding Dialog Box Select "Advanced." "Advanced Dialup" will be started. Disable the 20 minute timeout by removing the check in the box that says "Disconnect If Idle For More Than 20 Minutes," and also remove the check "Disconnect When All Internet Applications Exit." Internet Explorer(TM) 5.0 has a message that will pop up after 20 minutes that asks if you desire to have your Dialup Networking Connection disconnected. At that moment you can check a box that will cause this message to NOT be displayed again in the future. I know of no other means of stopping this message, other than to disable it when it appears. If you are connecting to AOL(TM), you need to contact AOL(TM) Technical Support, for instructions on how to connect to AOL using Dialup Networking, and also for guidance on their policy for using a product like StealthPing. Our technical support people, have been told that StealthPing is effective at stopping the AOL(TM) inactivity timer, but it has not been tested against the AOL(TM) Messages that pop up at 10 and 45 minutes. It has been suggested that you use your 10 Day Trial to test effectivness. If you are being disconnected by a stubborn ISP, then use the "Advanced Button" on StealthPing, to bring up the Dialog Box that will enable you to set the "Number Of Active Threads At Program Startup" to 25. If you are still having problems you may then try running multiple copies of the Program Itself, 2,3,4, etc. Even with multiple copies of StealthPing running, very little CPU Time will be used, so this will have little or no impact on any programs you are running. To Start StealthPing, click on the StealthPing Icon either on the Desktop or in the Start Menu. The StealthPing Dialog Box will then appear in front of you. StealthPing is most effective when it is used in the Stealth mode. To use StealthPing in Stealth mode, DO NOT move the Slider Control. Simply minimize the Dialog Box. StealthPing is most effective in keeping a PPP/SLIP Connection alive when it is used in Stealth mode. Also, it is least likely to be detected by PING sensor software on the other side of the PPP/SLIP Connection. Version 3.0 Allows Up To 25 Clicks Of The Start Thread Button or up to 25 Threads at Startup using the Advanced Button. Besides StealthMode(TM), StealthPing can be set to PING at a period rate by moving the Slider Control. The slowest ping rate is 15 seconds and the fastest rate is 100 seconds. If you set the ping rate on 15 seconds, you can look at the SD light on your modem and you will notice that a packet is sent every 15 seconds. You can also move the slider to the other settings, 20, 40, 60, etc. These settings are close but not exact, however the granularity of the slider is 1 second, so it is possible to get 21,22,23 seconds etc., by experimenting. If you move the Slider all the way over to the left the ping rate will be returned to Stealth mode. If you are running StealthPing using a periodic rate, instead of Stealth mode and you find that your PPP/SLIP connection is timing you out, move the Slider all the way to the left and try running it in Stealth mode. To manipulate the Slider Control's via the keyboard, press the Tab Key, until the Slider is activated. After the slider is activated the following keys will manipulate the slider: (Arrow Keys,)(PgDn, PgUp,) (End, Home.) After you have selected the desired rate, Tab over to the Start Button and press Enter. Start must be clicked before StealthPing will start to work. Note - The simplest operation is with the mouse, but the keyboard option is there for your convenience. We had a lot of fun writing StealthPing and when I connect to my PPP connection, the first thing I do is start StealthPing. At that point I can stay connected for hours of hassle free surfing.... Thank You Very Much For Purchasing Our Product, Mark Rope Orvonton Products, Inc. Internet Exlplorer is a Trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. AOL is a Trademark Of America Online.